Dear subscribers,
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support and love for our dance studio. We have an important announcement to make. Due to various reasons, we have had to make the difficult decision to suspend our Dancehertz studio operation. It is a decision that saddens us, but we must face the reality. In accordance with our company policy, we would like to provide you with a proper resolution before the closure. Therefore, we will be offering a refund option. Please contact us via whatsapp (+852 66718548) before 2023-10-31 to apply for a refund. If you fail to reach out to us by the designated date, your subscription will be considered forfeited, and we will be unable to provide a refund. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and disappointment this may cause you. We greatly appreciate your support for our studio, and we understand that this news may be disheartening for you. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We are committed to providing support and addressing any concerns you may have. Once again, we thank you for your support of our dance studio and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Warmest regards,
Dancehertz Studio Management Team
親愛的Dancehertz Studio訂戶,
衷心感謝您一直以來對我們舞蹈工作室的支持和厚愛。我們希望在此向您宣布一個重要的消息。 因各種原因,我們不得不做出令人心痛的決定,即暫停我們的舞蹈工作室。這是一個艱難的決定,我們深感遺憾,但我們必須面對現實。 根據我們的公司政策,我們希望在關閉前給予您一個適當的解決方案。為此,我們將提供退款選項。 請您在2023-10-31之前與我們whatsapp(+852 66718548)聯繫,以便申請退款。如果您未能在指定日期前與我們聯繫,您的訂閱將被視為放棄,我們將無法為您提供退款。 我們深感抱歉對您造成的不便和困擾。我們非常感謝您一直以來對我們工作室的支持,並理解這對您來說可能是一個令人失望的消息。 如果您有任何疑問或需要進一步的幫助,請隨時與我們的客戶服務部門聯繫。我們將竭誠為您提供支援和解答。 再次感謝您對我們舞蹈工作室的支持,並衷心祝愿您未來一切順利。
Dancehertz Studio管理團隊